Hafele Digital Locks

One area that has seen a major evolution over the last 10 decades is ‘home security’ as changes in living patterns has demanded more from the traditional key than mere security. People move out of their homes much more – be it for short durations to work or longer durations for holidays; and the home is left to the limited realms of security provided by a simple lock and key. During this time, the home has to be accessible to few key people like the domestic help coming in for household...Read more

  • (17/November/2022)
  • Views: 32
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A one-stop online service provider platform. At Suri Services, our...read more

ZeroB is India's most trusted brand when it comes to solving water...read more

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JB Saeed Studio is a leading retail destination in Pakistan, catering...read more

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Häfele presents to you an exquisite in-house range of home...read more

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Georgia has a wide range of Tea and Coffee Machines. We offer vending...read more

Vrishika Sathye
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